Discover the hidden gems nearby and explore the treasures worldwide.

Welcome to the Odyssey Hikes and Travel blogsite. This Toronto-based platform was launched with the purpose of sharing my odysseys from hiking different trails and traveling various sites, both domestically and globally. It is also intended to inspire others to pursue their own odysseys by sharing details about different places and presenting breathtaking images that were captured from my experiences.

Hiking is an excellent hobby to explore the outdoors, feel the fresh air and be one with nature. As well, it is a great form of exercise and a terrific way to stay in shape. It is also believed that one can absorb the positive vibes and spiritual energy being surrounded with the natural environment. Canada is filled with several hiking trails, not only in Ontario but across the country. There are also hiking trails that one can explore worldwide and something to include on one’s bucket list for their next vacation. To explore and learn more about my recent hiking adventures, please feel free to click on the icon below.

Travelling is another passion and interest of mine. I enjoy experiencing different cultures, learning about the history of various sites and meeting people from diverse backgrounds. I am also open minded with food and love trying new cuisines and local delicacies from around the globe. Traveling for me does not have to include exploring worldwide destinations but exploring new places not far from my own home. To explore and learn more about my travels, please feel free to click on the icon button below.


Get to know me and read why I do this.
